BKTEF arranges Fellows Study Circle in Peshawar

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 20:24

BKTEF arranges Fellows Study Circle in Fellowship Seminar in Peshawar

“History of a nation reflects its true spirt but unfortunately the history of Pashtun / Afghan has been distorted by the imperial forces in nineteenth and twentieth century. They very skillfully constructed, propagated and perpetuated a Pashtun /Afghan identity that could serve their imperialistic interests in the region. Prominent among the British historians were Major Raverty, Sir Olaf Caroe and J.W. Spain who took up this project on their shoulders. In response to them, attempts have been made by the indigenous Pashtun intelligentsia, historians and academicians to deconstruct the British imperialist constructed identity of Pashtun / Afghan and tried to paint the true indigenous, egalitarian, democratic and collectivist character of Pashtun / Afghan society,” said Dr. Khadim Hussain, in his remarks while discussing Abu Bakar Siddique’s book, The Pashtun Question: The Unresolved Key to the Future of Pakistan and Afghanistan, in a study circle held at Peshawar on September 10, 2016.

The Study Cricle was organized as a Fellowship Seminar by the BKTEF. The Fellows of the BKTEF participated in the Study Circle in large number.

The Participants of the study circle presented detailed summary of the book. They were then presented review of the book, The Pashtun Question: The Unresolved Key to the Future of Pakistan and Afghanistan written by Dr. Khadim Hussain, MD BKTEF. During discussion on the various points of the book, history of political movements of Pashtun Afghan was discussed. Finally, the participant reached conclusion in the light of detailed discussion that Pakistan instead of strategic competition should focus on economic competition. Pakistan and Afghanistan should work together to eliminate terrorism from the region and both the countries should facilitate people to people contacts to pave way for confidence building between the two sovereign states.

The study circle was ended with encouraging remarks and vote of thanks from the MD BKTEF.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 21:16